N95 surgical masks have been recommended by experts as good protection against influenza and novel Coronavirus. BFE (bacterial filtration efficiency) & GT of masks; 99%. N95 is equivalent to the European FFP2 and FFP3 masks in the United States. FFP3 offers higher protection, but the review rules are less stringent than NIOSH N95.

Particle filtration efficiency (PFE) of N95 masks & GT; 95% @ 0.3 micron. Applications include: sawing, drilling, woodworking, sanding and grinding, and gardening.

What does it mean when a respirator is “NIOSH approved”? This approval is issued only to specific and complete respirator components where the respirator is evaluated in the laboratory and found to meet all requirements of Title 42 of the Federal Code of Regulations, Part 84. All components must have NIOSH

Approve the label. If a manufacturer’s facility has an approval number on a respirator, it does not mean that all of their respirators are approved for that particular model only. Recent CDC infection control guidelines advise healthcare workers to protect themselves from diseases that may be spread by the following routes

Wear a fit-tested respirator with at least as much air as a NIOSH approved N95 respirator. Particulate respirators are also called “air purification respirators” because they protect and filter the particles in the air you breathe. Air purifier

Respirators force contaminated air through the filter elements. Workers can wear any kind of particulate respirator to prevent these diseases.

NIOSH approved disposable respirators are labeled with manufacturer’s name, part number (P/N), provided protection through filters (e.g. N95) and “NIOSH”.

Type Description – NIOSH American Standard

N95 filters at least 95% of airborne particles. Not resistant to oil

The N99 filters at least 99% of airborne particles. Not resistant to oil

The N100 filters at least 99.7% of airborne particles. Not resistant to oil

R95 filters at least 95% of airborne particles. A little resistance

R99* Filters at least 99% of airborne particles. A little resistance

R100* filters at least 99.97% of airborne particulate matter. A little resistance

P95 filters at least 95% of airborne particles. Strong resistance to oil

P99* Filter at least 99% of airborne particles. Strong resistance to oil

The P100 filters at least 99.97% of airborne particles. Strong resistance to oil